What are Lila Retreats?

There will be time for mom to rejuvenate and relax with other mothers, time for mom to enjoy some meditative alone time, as well as time for moms and children to play, eat, and enjoy the outdoors together. We will have women-only yoga classes, multi-age kids yoga classes, and integrated playful yoga and music time. We will group families into “tribes” at the beginning of the workshop to support each other in having some free time to meditate, hike, enjoy the springs, or a massage. The retreat is organized in a cooperative structure that involves all participants, but allows for unique opportunities for solace, as well.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Welcome to Lila-A Retreat for Mommy & Me

Lila Retreats create time for Mom to rejuvenate and relax with other mothers, time for Mom to enjoy some meditative alone time, as well as time for moms and children to play, eat, and enjoy the outdoors together. We have women-only yoga classes, multi-age kids yoga classes, and integrated playful yoga and music time. We group families into “tribes” at the beginning of the workshop to support each other in having some free time to meditate, hike, enjoy the springs, or a massage. The retreat is organized in a cooperative structure that involves all participants, but allows for unique opportunities for solace, as well.

Sample Schedule of A Lila Retreat

7-7:30 Music and yoga play together
7:30-8:45 Yoga for Kids & Relaxing Yoga for Moms

Early Morning Mother Solace Time – Each Tribe Mom Cooperatively Coordinate 30-45 min for meditation, nature walk or morning springs plunge
9:45-11 Yoga for Kids & Energizing Yoga for Moms
Lunch & Free Time – Each Tribe Mom cooperatively coordinate 90 min of Solace Time
3:30-5:30 Music for Children & Outdoor Exploration for Kids & Science of Parenting - Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids for Moms
7-7:30 Music and yoga play together
7:30-8:30 Music for Children & Healthy makeovers for common family favorites & making food a family affair

9-10:15 Yoga for Kids & Energizing Yoga for Moms
10:15-11 Closing Play Circle